The T500 is Europe's largest dedicated venture & growth conference, held each year in London by Lazard's VGB team. The conference brings together the T100 Index containing Europe's most exciting venture & growth backed businesses, and the T400 representing the 400 most active investors in the European venture ecosystem.
In 2023, we were delighted to welcome 70 companies and 600 investors across 3 days at the IET Conference Centre in London. Each morning we had panels, fireside chats and keynote speakers, the highlights of which you can see below. The afternoons saw our T100 companies presenting to investors in auditorium-style sessions, whilst 1:1 investor meetings run throughout the day.
We hope to welcome you to the T500 Conference in 2024 which will be held from 7th-9th May in London. Please email t500_conference@lazard.com to request an invitation if you have not received on already.
Highlights Video: CLICK HERE
See the highlights reel of Europe's largest dedicated Venture & Growth conference. We were delighted to welcome 70 companies and 600 investors across 3 days, and look forward to welcoming many more to our 2024 event!
James Anderson: CLICK HERE
We were honoured to host former Scottish Mortgage fund manager James Anderson for a fireside chat. James explains some of the drivers for his growth strategy and private market allocations whilst running the UK's largest investment trust. We also heard about his experience of working with successful founders and what we can do to make sure entrepreneurs in Europe receive the right backing
Greg Jackson: CLICK HERE
Greg Jackson (CEO, Octopus Energy) joined us for a fireside chat where he outlined the challenges of integrating renewables into the existing energy system, and the work Octopus is doing to manage energy demand as a solution
DeepTech Funding Gap: CLICK HERE
On Day 1 of the T500 we were joined by Pia-Johanna Lemmetty of IQM Quantum Computers, Scott White of Pragmatic and David Kownator of Isar Aerospace for a panel discussion on the challenges of funding DeepTech businesses, moderated by Susanne K. Schorsch of Amadeus Capital Partners
Delivering Climate Accountability: CLICK HERE
Alex Seddon (M&G Investments) hosted a discussion with Lubomila Jordanova (Plan A), Andres Guerra Londoño (Clarity AI) and Tommy Ricketts (BeZero Carbon) on delivering climate accountability at the corporate level. Their 3 solutions span the value chain and offer a fascinating insight into the role that European start-ups are playing in improving transparency in an opaque field.
Saul Klein: CLICK HERE
Saul Klein laid out his vision for the "New Square Mile" at our T500 conference, as tech companies, VC firms and academic institutions meet at Kings Cross Station. Saul also highlighted the opportunities available for the UK to unlock more pension fund capital for venture & growth investments.
Talent Tech: CLICK HERE
Abakar Saidov (Beamery) and Nicolas Roux (Malt) discussed the impact that the covid-19 pandemic had on growth at their businesses, and the evolving role for HR Technology in a weaker macro environment. Many thanks to Christian Resch for moderating the discussion
Benedict Evans: CLICK HERE
Benedict Evans delivered a mesmerizing keynote speech where he addressed: i) the End of Free Money - and the business models that cannot survive without it, ii) the New Gatekeepers as tech companies start to benefit from the marginal economics of advertising revenue, and iii) Dreams for the Future where he explored the early stages of the artificial intelligence journey
Life Sciences: CLICK HERE
We were delighted that Kate Bingham could join us at the T500 to host our Life Sciences panel, joined by Thomas Clozel, Andy Richards, Bernhard Klemen and Alexis Gilroy. The panel discussed the triggers for innovation in the sector that we've seen in the past, and highlighted the potential for disruption in early diagnosis and the role data will have to play in this.
Open Banking: CLICK HERE
Ellen Logan was joined by Tom Phillips, Michael Mueller, Paiak Vaid and Lewis Grimm to discuss the impact of open banking and some of the key wins we have seen to date. The panel also touched on the battle between FinTechs and incumbents and how the prize may be split between the two.
Meet Lazard's Venture & Growth Insights Team...
...And the Full Venture & Growth Banking Team

Ellie Stepaniak
Executive Assistant

Rita Wright
Executive Assistant
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